How to Be a Good Date

Being a good date is as simple as being punctual, respectful, and knowing your boundaries and those of your date.


  1. Be polite at all times. Don't expect everything to go your way or the dating with this person will be short-lived. Always use your manners and be thoughtful.
  2. Minimize distractions. Keep your cell phone turned off. It is distracting and rude to reply to phone calls constantly during a date. If there is something urgent that you're waiting on, let your date know and screen all numbers but the urgent one. Otherwise, turn it off and check your messages later.
  3. Be considerate of the other person's interests. When choosing where to go, be prepared to compromise on alternate dates. You can go where you want to go some of the time.
  4. Be punctual. It is rude to be later and it's also unhelpful to be too early. If you're running late and it's unavoidable, call ahead to let your date know, or reschedule well in advance.
  5. Listen actively. The date isn't all about you. It's about learning more about another person who might be the one. You won't know unless you listen though. Keep the conversation flowing with apt questions, positive nods, and agreement. When it's early days in the date, don't be quick to counter-argue or you might find yourself dateless.
  6. Be a good conservationist. Engage your date to talk about his/her interest.

How to Be More Thoughtful

Has anyone, such as a friend or spouse, ever told you that you're a bit "rough around the edges"? Or, perhaps you've been realizing that you aren't always the most thoughtful person, and are hoping to change that. It is possible, but it takes a strong, genuine desire to change. Use the steps below as a guideline, and grow and build from there until you become the person you aspire to really be.


  1. Be humble. In other words, be modest, and don't care so much about yourself. Although it's important to care about ones appearance and actions, it is equally important to value others for what makes them special.
  2. Do good deeds for others, and don't expect anything in return. Go out of your way to make someone's day a bit brighter. Offer to pay for your friends lunch. Compliment an acquaintance's new shoes or one of their talents. Make coffee for your spouse without being asked. Do something you know will bring joy - if only a bit - into another person's life.
  3. Take time to think carefully about the things you say or do, and consider how it might affect people who you are close to. This process takes time, because like a nasty habit you must refine your behavior. There may be residual mannerisms in what you do that work well for yourself, but not for others around you. Take some time with someone close to you to point out those things and take time to figure out when you're doing it, and what the triggers are so that you can stop it before it happens.
  4. Keep your living quarters clean so that when you have others around they don't have to endure the discomfort of your environment. The atmosphere around you should be inviting and generally pleasing for anyone - no matter who they are.
  5. Practice good hygiene. Once again, the comfort people have around you makes any type of thoughtful gesture more acceptable.
  6. Exercise and have a good diet; this keeps your mind sharp. This is essential in dealing with people in your life because if you're not with it, how can you expect to maintain a friendly demeanor? The answer is: you can't, or it's virtually impossible. Make it easier for yourself by staying healthy. This also means avoiding drugs.

How to Compromise

Has anyone, such as a friend or spouse, ever told you that you're a bit "rough around the edges"? Or, perhaps you've been realizing that you aren't always the most thoughtful person, and are hoping to change that. It is possible, but it takes a strong, genuine desire to change. Use the steps below as a guideline, and grow and build from there until you become the person you aspire to really be.


  1. Be humble. In other words, be modest, and don't care so much about yourself. Although it's important to care about ones appearance and actions, it is equally important to value others for what makes them special.
  2. Do good deeds for others, and don't expect anything in return. Go out of your way to make someone's day a bit brighter. Offer to pay for your friends lunch. Compliment an acquaintance's new shoes or one of their talents. Make coffee for your spouse without being asked. Do something you know will bring joy - if only a bit - into another person's life.
  3. Take time to think carefully about the things you say or do, and consider how it might affect people who you are close to. This process takes time, because like a nasty habit you must refine your behavior. There may be residual mannerisms in what you do that work well for yourself, but not for others around you. Take some time with someone close to you to point out those things and take time to figure out when you're doing it, and what the triggers are so that you can stop it before it happens.
  4. Keep your living quarters clean so that when you have others around they don't have to endure the discomfort of your environment. The atmosphere around you should be inviting and generally pleasing for anyone - no matter who they are.
  5. 5
    Practice good hygiene. Once again, the comfort people have around you makes any type of thoughtful gesture more acceptable.
  6. 6
    Exercise and have a good diet; this keeps your mind sharp. This is essential in dealing with people in your life because if you're not with it, how can you expect to maintain a friendly demeanor? The answer is: you can't, or it's virtually impossible. Make it easier for yourself by staying healthy. This also means avoiding drugs.
  • You can't please everyone.
  • Think before you speak...remember the tone of your voice.
  • Remember. If you take care of yourself, you are fit enough to be a thoughtful person.

  • Don't overdo it. Trying too hard in social settings is weird and creepy. Just be yourself, and do not plan anything out in advance. Live in the moment and life will be good to you.

How to Date & Treat a Virgin

If you are not a virgin, dating a girl or guy who is can sometimes be a delicate process.

This Steps will guide you through
  1. Respect the person you are dating. This means respecting them for who they are and the decisions that they make about sexual relations. It is also important to stop focusing on the "virgin" aspect of this person - they're a whole, real human being, not a sexualized object.
  2. Take things slowly. Do not expect the person you are dating to hold the same views or inclinations about sexual relations as you have. It is important to discuss such matters openly but with care, in good time.
    • If it's too hard for you to deal with this aspect while dating, consider ending the relationship early before you get too serious.
  3. Do not pressure the person you are dating. If you really care about this person, you will care enough to let him or her open up to you over to time. You will also care enough to respect his or her boundaries and concerns.
    • Remember that no means no.
    • Do not take advantage of this person if they get drunk or don't understand what is happening. Take care of them at all times.
  4. Talk about your feelings. As the relationship progresses, it is important to be honest with one another and share explanations for why you have chosen to take certain actions over others. Your own choices should be as open to explanation as your dating partner's. They may be just as perplexed as to why you haven't treated sexual relations with greater seriousness before. This might be a good opportunity for you to explore your own levels of self-respect and respect for others.
  5. Take it steady. If you really like this person and it's working out well, you will need to learn to wait until they're ready. Find other things to occupy your thoughts!
  • Don't patronize your new partner, just because he/she is a virgin doesn't mean he/she is worth less than you!
  • Don't boast about how many times you've had sex. That will not end well and you will come across as insensitive.

This Article is dedicated to the love of my life,  I love you Stella C.

10 Things Men Find Unattractive in Women

These are 10 things men find unattractive in women but would probably not tell them, according to Madame Noire. Here is the list:

 1.The thirst
The Thirst can be described as women who are overly eager to find a man. You can find these women at every open bar, every week in search of Mr. Right. We know you’re thirsty because the event is an after work event yet you found time to travel home to put on your freakum dress and 5 inch heels. Thirsty women are at the bar, visibly parched looking at the other women scoping out their competition with the “hawk eye”, giving the appearance of the mean chick. But she’s not mean at all, because #thethirst will turn her into chatty Cathy/ desperate Debbie and the desperation is unattractive.

2.Bad Hair
I’m not Chris Rock and I’m not here to preach about women with that “good hair”, you know… the ones with Indian in their family. Nope not this post. But can we talk about that funky smelling weave with the tracks showing because that’s not a good look. Or my natural sisters — who think dry and flaky is the new it do. We ain’t feeling you neither as Star from Star & Bucwild would say. Just do your hair, I’m not asking you to apply all types of chemicals, or pay BeyoncĂ© money for a lace front. I just want you to look presentable for yourself not for me.

3.Unkept Private Areas

*Hums* “Sometimes I shave my legs sometimes I don’t’. That’s cool and all but I’m going to need you to shave under your arms because that hair brings funk. This brings me to your next private area — the vajayjay (I prefer the P word but this is a family friendly site). If you need a weedwacker down there, that’s a problem. (No one likes wolf punani.) I’m not asking you to get a Brazilian; those things are expensive and painful. But I need you to trim up a little. Give yourself an edge up so your privates resemble a well manicured lawn rather than a jungle safari in the middle of the Congo.

4.Angry for no damn reason
Some of y’all are taking this feminism thing too far — you’re lashing out at men every chance you get and we’re tired of it. #whohurtyou No but seriously, no one likes the angry woman, who’s always angry, never smiles and is extremely difficult to be around. It’s unattractive. Believe it or not, a lot of women have this angry friend if they’re not the angry one and that’s a turn off too. Yes, you are judged by the company you keep. We all meet up for drinks and you got the angry one with you, no one is going to have a good time. Leave her in the house commenting recklessly on blogs and if it’s you please just stay away. Thank you.

No one expects women to be in the latest Oscar de la Renta dress like it’s fashion week every day but we want you to at least put yourself together. For starters, I’m not the most fit guy (I check athletic build if you must know) — So I don’t walk around with my shirt off too often. But every day on the train my eyes are visually assaulted because some women think that kangaroo pouch is what’s hot in the streets. IT’S NOT. Know your body type and dress accordingly. And what about the dingy types? That Bohemian look is cool and all but the white tank top that’s turning yellow, can’t say it does the trick my love. It’s not sexy. All in all women who can’t dress are not attractive. Before I see your mind, I see your outfit, let’s try to make one compliment the other.

6.Unkept feet and nails
Simply put, a mani/pedi is your friend. I don’t have to describe the “hammer time” in your shoes, nor do I have to remind you that biting your nails looks terrible. Chipped nail polish and ashy feet will not be flying either. Talk to the little Asian women and tip them well so you no longer scratch my legs in bed. Thanks.

7.Sense of Entitlement
Ladies have you ever hung out with one of your friends who feels the need to tell you, the men you’re hanging with and anyone within an earshot how she never has to pay for drinks. I always wonder, does she have any money to pay for the drinks she likes to gulp down? Or the women, who are eager to go out, even suggest it but they think the guy should pay for everything. Listen, chivalry is not dead but women who act as though they are entitled to a man’s wallet got to go. It’s unattractive and it’s downright classless. And listen I’m talking about the ladies who think it’s beneath them to stand on the lines at the club too. Are you famous, do you know the bouncer? If the answer is no, shut up and get to the back of the line, we don’t need the fuss.

8.Curses like a sailor
If I can’t bring you home to momma we can’t roll. I can’t stand a woman who every word out her mouth is n word this, n word that, mothereffer this, son of a —– that. Once again, have a cup of class and act like a lady not a garbage man.

If your reputation for “getting it popin” enters the room before you do, that might not be a good look. You’re sleeping with every tom, dick and harry and that’s cool but don’t expect me to think it’s sexy.

This one is from the brothers on Twitter and I think I agree. No one wants a woman all slouched over looking sloppy. You can do it put your back into it. Peace and love ladies, I think you’re beautiful. I hope you enjoy your weekend and in no way was I trying to offend but a dose of keeping it real is always healthy.

12.Being Possessive or selfishness
13.Being too forward

Why Text Messaging Is Crucial To Online Dating Success

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.netOnline dating can be a complicated process. Sometimes we get so caught up in emailing and trying to obtain phone numbers, that we forget how crucial the time between receiving a phone number, and going on a first date can be. If we are not careful, we can lose out on a first date, even after receiving a number.
Not to worry though. This is where text messaging comes in to save the day. These days proper text messaging after receiving a number can be just as important as what is done online, and has the power to make or break our success.

Let’s take a moment to examine a few reasons why text messaging can be so crucial to ones success.

1. Text messaging helps to maintain comfort.

Suppose a woman emails us her phone number and we can’t call her for a couple of days. Maybe it is a Monday and we are not going to be home until Wednesday night. Or maybe it is a Thursday when we receive her phone number and we don’t want to look desperate by calling on the weekend.

While we may have plenty of reasons why we can’t make a phone call for a few days, the more time that goes by, the more we will fade in the minds of the women we are talking to.

They may have enjoyed our messages online, but with each day that goes by, the comfort they felt talking to us will slowly fade away. By the time we call for a first date, they may no longer feel comfortable picking up the phone, since we now feel like strangers again.

The perfect solution is to fill the gap with a text message, no longer than a day later. Ideally, it should be a text message that relates to a joke you said in one of your emails.

By doing so, when you call a day or two later, women will already used to talking to us, and the conversation will no longer feel awkward because the comfort has been maintained and strengthened.

2. Text messaging makes you into a “real person.”

No matter how much there may be a connection online, we still only exist in her cyber world. We are not yet in her real life social circle. However, once we text message a woman, we are now in the same social circles that are reserved for friends, family, and people that are close to her. This creates a powerful psychological effect and moves us one step above the men online that may be competing for the same woman.

3. Text messaging can be used to keep interest high.

This is a powerful tool to not only keep comfort high, but to maintain and build interest as well. We should be using text messaging as a tool to tell jokes, flirt, and to build momentum straight up to the first date. By the time we meet our women, they should be nothing short of excited to meet us.

How Much Are Guys Really Spending On Dates?

A lot of guys wonder about whether they’re spending too much, or not enough on a first date. just came out with the results of a survey they conducted with 550 men during March 2011, and hopefully it will help guys figure out if they’re on par with their competition. I think women will also find the results helpful to see if they’ve been getting lowballed by their man. As you read through the results, remember that it can be difficult to generate a nationwide average since date standards vary widely by region.

After reading into the results a little bit, I did find a few interesting tidbits I wouldn’t have guessed before reading it. As a male, I always think of men spending more per date since we’re usually picking up the check, but the study states 58% of men spend over $50 per date during the first few weeks, while 65% of women spend over $50 to get ready for the date in outfits and grooming. Yikes, now I feel a little cheap.

You’ll also notice 75% of girls would rather not have a date at a fancy restaurant. Somewhat surprising at first, but if you think about it, fancy restaurants generally aren’t the best place to see the true personality of your potential partner. Girls now seem to be more interested in having an “experience,” or doing a fun, outgoing activity to see if you two are compatible. This is also a good reminder that doing things like going to the movie theater where interaction is limited, can be a bad idea. A lot of times if a guy doesn’t feel confident, they feel the movie can entertain the girl while they sit back and relax, but it just doesn’t work like that unfortunately.

I think the most important stat in the entire study was that 3 times more men than women felt that the there are expectations of how much the dates will cost during the initial weeks. Just another indication that guys should spend a lot more time trying to find something out of the ordinary during those important first dates. I’m planning to write some articles over the next few weeks detailing some great ideas that are light on the pocketbook, and work better than most traditional dates.
cost of dating

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