Online dating can be a complicated process. Sometimes we get so caught up in emailing and trying to obtain phone numbers, that we forget how crucial the time between receiving a phone number, and going on a first date can be. If we are not careful, we can lose out on a first date, even after receiving a number.
Not to worry though. This is where text messaging comes in to save the day. These days proper text messaging after receiving a number can be just as important as what is done online, and has the power to make or break our success.
Let’s take a moment to examine a few reasons why text messaging can be so crucial to ones success.
1. Text messaging helps to maintain comfort. Suppose a woman emails us her phone number and we can’t call her for a couple of days. Maybe it is a Monday and we are not going to be home until Wednesday night. Or maybe it is a Thursday when we receive her phone number and we don’t want to look desperate by calling on the weekend.
While we may have plenty of reasons why we can’t make a phone call for a few days, the more time that goes by, the more we will fade in the minds of the women we are talking to.
They may have enjoyed our messages online, but with each day that goes by, the comfort they felt talking to us will slowly fade away. By the time we call for a first date, they may no longer feel comfortable picking up the phone, since we now feel like strangers again.
The perfect solution is to fill the gap with a text message, no longer than a day later. Ideally, it should be a text message that relates to a joke you said in one of your emails.
By doing so, when you call a day or two later, women will already used to talking to us, and the conversation will no longer feel awkward because the comfort has been maintained and strengthened.
2. Text messaging makes you into a “real person.” No matter how much there may be a connection online, we still only exist in her cyber world. We are not yet in her real life social circle. However, once we text message a woman, we are now in the same social circles that are reserved for friends, family, and people that are close to her. This creates a powerful psychological effect and moves us one step above the men online that may be competing for the same woman.
3. Text messaging can be used to keep interest high. This is a powerful tool to not only keep comfort high, but to maintain and build interest as well. We should be using text messaging as a tool to tell jokes, flirt, and to build momentum straight up to the first date. By the time we meet our women, they should be nothing short of excited to meet us.