If you are not a virgin, dating a girl or guy who is can sometimes be a delicate process.
This Steps will guide you through
- Respect the person you are dating. This means respecting them for who they are and the decisions that they make about sexual relations. It is also important to stop focusing on the "virgin" aspect of this person - they're a whole, real human being, not a sexualized object.
- Take things slowly. Do not expect the person you are dating to hold the same views or inclinations about sexual relations as you have. It is important to discuss such matters openly but with care, in good time.
- If it's too hard for you to deal with this aspect while dating, consider ending the relationship early before you get too serious.
- If it's too hard for you to deal with this aspect while dating, consider ending the relationship early before you get too serious.
- Do not pressure the person you are dating. If you really care about this person, you will care enough to let him or her open up to you over to time. You will also care enough to respect his or her boundaries and concerns.
- Remember that no means no.
- Do not take advantage of this person if they get drunk or don't understand what is happening. Take care of them at all times.
- Remember that no means no.
- Talk about your feelings. As the relationship progresses, it is important to be honest with one another and share explanations for why you have chosen to take certain actions over others. Your own choices should be as open to explanation as your dating partner's. They may be just as perplexed as to why you haven't treated sexual relations with greater seriousness before. This might be a good opportunity for you to explore your own levels of self-respect and respect for others.
- Take it steady. If you really like this person and it's working out well, you will need to learn to wait until they're ready. Find other things to occupy your thoughts!Warnings
- Don't patronize your new partner, just because he/she is a virgin doesn't mean he/she is worth less than you!
- Don't boast about how many times you've had sex. That will not end well and you will come across as insensitive.
This Article is dedicated to the love of my life, I love you Stella C.
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